Kemmerer Gazette Legal Notices, January 21, 2025



  1. Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, notice is hereby given that a public hearing is scheduled regarding Rocky Mountain Power’s (RMP or the Company) request for approval of a five-year commercial and industrial Demand Response Pilot Program and Recovery Mechanism. The public hearing is set to commence on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission’s hearing room located at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  2. RMP is a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, engaged in the business of supplying electric utility service to customers throughout its six-state service territory, including Wyoming. RMP is a public utility, subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction. Wyo. Stat. §§ 37-l-101(a)(vi)(C) and 37-2-112.
  3. On July 8, 2024, RMP filed its Application requesting Commission approval of a five-year commercial and industrial Demand Response Pilot Program and Recovery Mechanism.
  4. Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers (WIEC) petitioned to intervene in this matter, which the Commission granted by Order issued on August 26, 2024. Office of Consumer Advocate is also a party under the provisions of Wyoming Statute §37-2-402(a).
  5. A complete description of RMP’s Application and its supporting testimony and exhibits may be viewed at the Commission’s office during business hours or online at: (enter Record No. 17625).
  6. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing which will be conducted in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, Wyoming Public Service Commission Rules. All interested persons may appear and be heard, in person, by video or telephone conference, or through counsel appearing in person or by video or telephone conference.

Attend Zoom Meeting and actively participate at:

Or by Dialing: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 993 344 9233

  1. If you wish to attend the hearing and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427 (Voice or TTY) in Cheyenne during regular business hours or write them at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay (TTY) by dialing 711. Please, mention Docket No. 20000-670-ET-24 in all correspondence with the Commission.

Dated: January 9, 2025.

PUBLISHED: Jan. 14, 21, 2025 23365


The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of Questar Gas Company, d/b/a Enbridge Gas Wyoming (Enbridge or the Company) to pass on a wholesale commodity cost decrease of $0.49186 per dekatherm (Dth), effective for usage on and after November 1, 2024.

The Company’s proposal results in a decrease of $39.33 or 4.68% before taxes in the annual costs for a residential customer using 80 Dth per year. When combined with the proposed Conservation Enabling Tariff, and Energy Efficiency Services changes, the net impact is a decrease $0.24408 per Dth.

Commission Rule Chapter 3, Section 26 allows a utility to pass on to its customers known or projected commodity cost increases or decreases on a dollar for dollar basis, subject to public notice, opportunity for hearing and refund.

Enbridge’s Application is available at the Commission or online at: (Enter Record No. 17690).

Anyone desiring to file a statement, intervention petition, protest, or request for hearing must file with the Commission in writing, on or before February 17, 2025. A proposed intervention or request for hearing shall set forth the grounds, the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding.

If you wish to participate in this matter and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications impaired persons may contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 30010-227-GP-24 in your communications.

Dated: January 16, 2025.

PUBLISHED: Jan. 21, 28, 2025 01224


            )ss.      THE  3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF LINCOLN   )                       LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING



      Deceased.  PROBATE NO. 2024-CV-31


To all person interested in the Estate of Bobby Allen Jacobson, deceased, take notice that the undersigned Personal Representative did, on the 11th day of January, 2025, file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, 3rd Judicial District, in said County and State, his Final Account and Petition for Distribution of the Estate, a copy of which is hereby delivered to you, and upon examination of the Account and Petition you may file objections thereto in writing with the Clerk at any time on or before the 31st day of January, 2025, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.

Dated the 11th day of January, 2025.

/s/ Thayne L. Peterson, Attorney

Peterson Legal Services

PO Box 1123

Lyman, WY 82937

(307) 786-2529

BAR# 6-3369

PUBLISHED: Jan. 21, 28, 2025 23366

Kemmerer City Council

Special Session Minutes

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Kemmerer City Council met in special session this 18th day of December, 2024 at 5:00 pm at the Kemmerer City Hall Conference Room, at 220 State Highway 233, Kemmerer, Wyoming, 83101.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Present on roll call were Mayor Bill Thek, Councilmember Marlin Batista, Councilmember Robert Bowen, Councilmember Jim Burnett, Councilmember Dale Hicks, Councilmember Bill Price and Councilmember Mark Quin.

Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to authorize the mayor to sign the Business Associated Agreement with WEBT to comply with HIPPA regulations and other privacy related regulations; seconded by Councilman Quinn and unanimously approved by council.

Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to approve the payments of bills a presented; seconded by Councilmember Quinn. Those bills were:

17830 7 Properties, LLC          $110.00           17831 Ace Hardware  $172.42

17832 All West Comm.           489.94 17833 Bridger Valley Propane            925.52

17834 Centurylink       991.06 17835 Centurylink Communications  21.44

17836 Douglas, Dale   64.00   17837 Enbridge Gas Utah       4,196.00

17838 Erickson, Brent 48.00   17839 Gunter’s Service          3,752.69

17840 IDAWY Solid Waste Dist          7,328.00          17841 Intermountain Sweeper Co     2,559.88

17842 Jimeriez, Kane  96.00   17843 JUB Engineering, Inc    2,451.50

17844 Kemmerer Gazette      1,581.14          17845 Kramer, Jessie 64.00

17846 Lincoln County Sheriff 2,480.00          17847 McGrill, Bryson 24.00

17848 Mountain West Business        50.19   17849 One-Call of Wyoming  34.50

17850 Petty Cash-Admin        60.90   17851 Safety Supply & Sign Co           1,347.20

17852 So Lincoln HRC 15.00   17853 Stout, E. Dean  4,545.00

17854 UMB Card Center         12,019.49        17855 Verizon Wireless         759.27

17856 Wells Fargo Financial   124.76 17857 Wex Bank         1,912.97

17858 Wiswell, Gabriel          96.00   17859 Xerox Financial Services          257.00

Motion to adjourn made by Councilman Hicks; motion seconded by Councilman Quinn and unanimously approved by council.  Meeting adjourned about 5:13 pm.






PUBLISHED: Jan. 21, 2025       23368


The Kemmerer City Council met in regular session this 9th day of December, 2024, at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Kemmerer, Wyoming. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present on roll call were Mayor William Thek, Councilmember Marlin Batista, Councilmember Robert Bowen, Councilmember Jim Burnett, Councilmember Dale Hicks Councilmember Bill Price, and Councilmember Mark Quinn.

Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to approve the agenda as amended with New Business (f); Authorize the mayor to sign a non-disclosure statement on behalf of the City of Kemmerer to the Industrial Siting Committee in regards to the application for the Kemmerer Power Station Unit 1 Project; seconded by Councilmember Bowen and unanimously approved by council.


Kathryn Robinson-Zimmerman and Madonna Long made comments to the council.


Sheryl Gunter and Kathryn Robinson-Zimmerman presented the Fossil Basin Promotion Board Fiscal Year End 2024 Management Reports to the council.


Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to approve the items on the consent agenda as presented; seconded by Councilmember Batista and unanimously approved by council. Those items were:

(a) Approval of Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024;

(b) Approval of the payment of the bills; payroll, and ACH payments as presented;

17798 UMWA $198.60           17799 Bridger Valley Propane            $584.64

17800 Burnett’s Auto Parts, Inc.        46.14   17801 Dex Imaging, LLC          494.15

17802 DJ’s Glass         200.00 17803 First Bank of Wyoming 5,358.41

17804 Fossil Bas. Promo Bd.  35,967.16        17805 Freedom Mlng Serv., Inc.         732.56

17806 GoTo Technologies      278.68 17807 Gunter’s Law/Garden  539.00

17808 Hatch, Lance    112.00 17809 Intermtn Fire Prot        3,093.00

17810 Jones Simkins, LLC       16,635.00        17811 JUB Engineers  9,762.38

17812 K-D Joint Powers Board           6,943.42          17813 Krell, Tammy   600.00

17814 Netwize           278.00 17815 Norco, Inc        14.70

17816 Outlaw Supply, Inc.      2,926.14          17817 Peavler, Barbara          368.45

17818 Personnel Screening Srvs        245.68 17819 Pewag Traction Chain, Inc       71.32

17820 Rocky Mtn Power        10,556.07  17821 Stout, E. Dean        1,250.00

17822 Viviano’s Concrete       5,800.00          17823 Wells Fargo Financial  96.00

17824 Wolfies, LLC     363.01 17825 WYDOT-Kemmerer      227.80

17826 Wyo Dept of Env Qual. 400.00 17827 WEBT   43,041.49

11/30/24 Secure Inst Pmts-ACH        22.45   12/4/24 Fed. Tax Dep.-ACH    13,348.88

12/4/24 Net Pyrll Dep.-ACH   47,977.03        12/4/24 Orchard Trust-ACH   675.00

12/4/24 Expert Pay-ACH        488.54 12/4/24 AFLAC-ACH   12.24

(c) Pass, Approve and Adopt Resolution No. 2024-846, Approving Uinta Bank of Wyoming as a Depository for City of Kemmerer for Calendar Year 2025;

(d) Pass, Approve and Adopt Resolution No. 2024-847, Approving 1st Bank of Wyoming as a Depository for City of Kemmerer for Calendar Year 2025.


(a) Motion was made by Councilmember Quinn to Pass, Approve and Adopt on Third Reading Ordinance No. 2024889, Amending Chapter 5 of Kemmerer City Code regarding Animals and Fowls as amended; seconded by Councilmember Hicks and unanimously approved by council.


(a) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to appoint John Sawaya to the Zoning Board for a term to expire on 12/31/2026; seconded by Councilmember Batista and unanimously approved by council.

(b) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to support the Diamondville WFI Addition for Heritage Motors Business Final Plat Review; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by council.

(c) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks Pass on First Reading Ordinance No. 2024-890, Amending 23-24, M-3-Multi Family Housing; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by council.

(d) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to authorize staff to draft and have the mayor sign a letter of support for Impact Funding from the Kemmerer Unit 1 Natrium Project; seconded by Councilmember Bowen and unanimously approved by council.

(e) Motion was made by Councilmember Price to authorize the mayor to sign the lease with Parry Davison for suite 104 at Old Town Hall on a month-to-month basis based on the tenant being a current lessee, she has been a good tenant, and the lease is for a short period of time; seconded by Councilmember Hicks and unanimously approved by council.

(f) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to authorize the mayor to sign a non-disclosure statement on behalf of the City of Kemmerer to the Industrial Siting Committee in regards to the application for the Kemmerer Power Station Unit 1 Project if deemed necessary; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by council.


City Administrator, Brian Muir, made comments. Councilmember Batista, Councilmember Quinn, Councilmember Hicks, Councilmember Price, and Councilmember Bowen made comments. Mayor Thek made comments.

There being no further business before the Council, Councilmember Burnett made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by council; 8:13 p.m.






PUBLISHED: Jan. 21, 2025       23367