
Over several weeks, wildfires have ravaged northeastern Wyoming, burning nearly half a million acres of land in the Cowboy State and Montana. State firefighters have made progress containing the …

H ollywood can’t always be trusted to accurately portray reality or history, to say the least. But I fully enjoyed watching the facts go by in the premier of “Reagan,” which I …

If you would be kind and humor me, I’d like to share a story. One of my kids had a really ­— and I mean barely holding on by the merest strip of tissue — loose tooth. She was …

In politics, leading is much harder than being the bomb-throwing opposition, a lesson we are all about to watch the Wyoming Freedom Caucus learn in spades. On Election Night, the group appeared …

Thank goodness the Democrat Party’s magic act in Chicago is finally over. For four days we’ve had to watch the liberal media drool over Kamala Harris and her unimpressive VP choice, …

W yoming really needs to clone Jeff Steinborn, a New Mexico state lawmaker, or elect someone just like him. Last year Steinborn, a Democrat, led a successful effort to ban the transportation and …

I love summer, and I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but in summer I rarely whine. Clarifying … I rarely whine about mosquitos. Some places, like Jackson, don’t have …

By Ryan Taylor   As someone who works in Washington, D.C., I see a lot of government dysfunction firsthand. But there are few things I find more frustrating than when bureaucrats get …

F or Democrats this historic election is about only one issue — Trump. Whoever wins the White House, it won’t be because of issues like high inflation, trillion-dollar annual budget …

T his year’s election is unlike any that Wyoming has seen before. More races are contested this year than at any other time in recent memory, and those races largely break down on ideological …

This time of year, we are reminded of the importance of fully funding our firefighters and other first responders in every city and county across the state. They do vital work to save lives, homes …

I am what JD Vance would have called a single cat lady. Actually, I don’t have, nor do I particularly like, cats. I am more along the lines of a single black Lab lady, or a single bearded …

We are less than two weeks away from the primary election here in Wyoming and I don’t know about you, but my mailbox is stuffed with some of the most ridiculous out-of-state mailers I have ever …

Last week our lame duck President Joe Biden came out of hiding and called for some major changes in how the U.S. Supreme Court operates. His proposals — another election-time pander to his …

The old saying goes “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics,” but I think here in Wyoming we can say with certainty that “there are lies, damned lies and campaign lies.” …

By Christine Flowers   One of the most famous phrases in history is one that my high school Latin teacher Sister Mary David intoned with deep solemnity as we were studying Caesar: …

Conservatives are planning to slash the health care plans that millions of low-income and senior Americans rely on. Conservatives have done the United States a huge favor by explaining in detail …

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of all the political anger. The emotion itself is untrustworthy and just so incredibly exhausting. Who in the world can be angry all the time? …

One time I asked a hundred-year-old client, “Do you have any words of wisdom for young people?” She thought a moment and nodded, “Eat while you still have your teeth.” …

In my house, we track how Wyoming is portrayed on TV. It’s become a bit of a joke. In the series “Yellowstone,” the murdered are told they’re being “taken to the train …

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