So I turn on the news …. We’ve got wars raging in Ukraine and Israel. We’ve got nuke-carrying Russian warships visiting Cuba. We’ve got 4,000 illegal …
When Gov. Mark Gordon came to Gillette last December for a town hall meeting on mental health, there was a standing-room-only crowd and optimism in the air. At last, it seemed, government officials …
There are a few things fathers should remember, “When you’re raising your kids it’s the longest and the shortest time.” And Jack Dempsey said, “A champion is someone who …
I t was a good week for the Reagan family. Not so much for the Biden clan. On Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where my father is buried, there was a fine ceremony to …
Three cheers for the University of Wyoming and its board of trustees. They did the right thing in decommissioning the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, thereby deemphasizing …
Wyoming is the least populated state in the nation, with an average of fewer than six people per square mile. But just because Wyoming represents a small segment of the 5 billion people who use …
Election season has arrived. Candidate filing for partisan elected offices closed on Friday, so we now know who is seeking election to our state legislature, as well as federal and some county …
M ark my words. Democrats will be sorry on Nov. 5 because of what they did last week in New York City. They and their friends in the liberal media can whoop it up and high-five each all …
Gov. Mark Gordon has joined with a group of his counterparts from across the country in the National Governors Association’s recently launched “Disagree Better” campaign. The …
State lawmakers who gladly adopted national political scare tactics claimed a huge “victory” last Friday at the expense of the freedoms of University of Wyoming students and faculty …
The Wyoming Legislature passed five property tax bills in the 2024 session, each a necessary action to help Wyoming families suffering from rising property taxes. Four of them became law, while one …
Hello, residents of Wyoming Senate District 14. I am seeking the Republican nomination for SD-14 in the primary election on Aug. 20. This decision comes after much reflection and with a deep …
In Wyoming, we have always relied on access to America’s public lands for our way of life and our livelihood. It is essential for energy and mineral development, ranching and agriculture, …
As a lifelong Wyoming hunter, I, like so many others I’ve spoken to since, was totally disgusted when I first read the news stories and saw the images of the torture and killing of a young wolf …
George Washington disliked political parties. In his farewell presidential address, he warned that a political party “serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public …
By Christine Flowers It seems silly to write a column about the recent college protests. It’s not really news when privileged students who have never been in the line of …
I recently visited with a bodybuilder who told me that, to watch my weight, I should eat several small meals a day. I thought this was excellent advice and told him so. He looked a little smug and …
If there is one thing that all of us can agree upon, it is how deeply politics is dividing this country — and how much that division has negatively affected relationships with friends, …
The lockdowns instituted during the COVID pandemic were only supposed to last a few days. Remember, “14 days to flatten the curve” was all that was needed to keep hospitals from being …
John F. Kennedy won the Pulitzer Prize for his book “Profiles In Courage,” a series of essays that focused on eight senators throughout U.S. history who — despite serious pressures …