Kemmerer's Jeff Mead begins new Gazette feature


We recently spoke with Kendra Aase, a young Viking woman in Kemmerer, age 21.

Kendra also does very fancy nails and can be found on Instagram at Lotisbluenails.

People walk among us around us and often as not we don’t even know their names, what matters to them or what brings them joy.

This feature’s  goal is to do exactly that, bring our many personalities together so we can know more and relate more to the people we see every day. 

Everyone has a story; we’ve all had good days and bad days. We’ve walked different paths and seen different things, but we’re all still neighbors. We have more in common than we have differences.


Q: What can you share with us about a life lesson learned?

A: Life isn’t always fair and you should never rely on expectations.


Q: Who in your life has had the greatest impact on you?

A: My mother; I can talk with her about anything and not get judged.


Q: What is your fondest childhood memory?

A: Going to visit Washington and Oregon, I caught a live starfish and it pooped on me.


Q: How did you get on the path you’re following right now.

A: Lots of trial and error. I found out that I liked working with people and small children in a small town, here at JC Penney and the preschool.


Q: What are the best and worst things about Kemmerer?

A: Rock shops and geology, I love them. Not a lot to do and limited employment                                  opportunities.


Q: If you could go back 10 years, what would you change.

A: I would become more aware of financial decisions.


Q: Who is the most important person to you that has died? (This answer involved very real tears).

A: My step-grandmother Donna — she was so nice to us, and every time we visited we got to take one item from her treasure box. She owned a Snoopy phone.