Elementary students show love to veterans at annual program

By Jan Moody, Cokeville Correspondent
Posted 11/20/24

COKEVILLE — Cokeville Elementary sponsored a Veterans Day program on Monday, Nov. 11, in the CHS Auditorium. The program began with the sixth-grade boys presenting the colors and leading those …

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Elementary students show love to veterans at annual program


COKEVILLE — Cokeville Elementary sponsored a Veterans Day program on Monday, Nov. 11, in the CHS Auditorium. The program began with the sixth-grade boys presenting the colors and leading those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

They were followed by Principal Dietz welcoming and recognizing our local veterans. Guest speaker, veteran Mark Vierig, shared personal experiences from his service. He was followed by a slide show recognizing local veterans who were then presented with a gift from the CHS National Honor Society.

The sixth-graders performed “God Bless the USA,” followed by the kindergarten with “My Flag.”

The third grade shared “America the Beautiful,” followed by “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” by the first grade.

Next came the fifth grade, with “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” and the fourth-grade students with “This is My Country.”

The second grade sang “You’re A Grand Old Flag,” followed by a combined choir of grades K-6 performing “All American Me and You.” “Taps” was presented by Brenden Hymer and Avree Thornock.

Special thanks to Mr. Burgoyne and Mrs. Cook for assisting the students in their preparation. A luncheon followed for all veterans sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, LaVoy Thornock Unit 40.