The Lincoln County Recreation Commission will be accepting
for fiscal year 2023-2024
Meeting will be held in Cokeville, WY
March 15, 2023
Cokeville Town Hall
The members of the commission would appreciate your cooperation in meeting the following guidelines when requesting funds:
• Address - Phone Number - Contact Name - Email
• Provide a price break-down for project or item
• Requests WILL NOT be accepted after Friday March 10th
Requests MUST BE EMAILED to: oliveoyle28
Please run the above notice for the next (2) weeks. Please bill address as follows:
Lincoln County Recreation Commission
12706 W Milton Dr
Peoria, AZ 85383
Thank you for your cooperation. (623)866-3594
PUBLISHED: March 7, 2023 03074
ORDINANCE NO. 2023-874
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, that section 18-9 of the Kemmerer City Code is hereby amended as follows:
(d) The owner(s) of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the city and abutting on any street, alley or right of way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary or combined sewer is hereby required at the owner's expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, within ninety (90) days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within four hundred feet (400') of the property line.
PASSED on First Reading this 23rd day of January 2023
PASSED on Second Reading this 13th day of February 2023
PASSED., APPROVED AND ADOPTED on Third Reading this 27th day of February 2023
PUBLISHED: March 7, 2023 03077
) ss.
Deceased. )
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 21st day of February, 2023, Sara Jane Collins, Applicant, filed in the above named Court an Application for Decree of Distribution for the purpose of distributing royalty and/or mineral interests in the following lands located in Wyoming, by summary procedure:
1. Overriding Royalty Interest
Federal Oil and Gas Lease WYW-049632
Township 25 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M.
Section 30: Lots 3, 4, W½NE¼, E½SW¼
Section 31: Lots 3, 4, NE¼, E½SW¼
Section 32: NE¼, SW¼
Section 33: NE¼, SW¼
Lincoln and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming
2. Overriding Royalty Interest
State of Wyoming Oil and Gas Lease 78-559
Township 42 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M.
Section 16: All
Weston County, Wyoming
3. Overriding Royalty Interest
Federal Oil and Gas Lease WYW-84856
Township 49 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M.
Section 24: Lots 1- 4 (W½NE¼, E½NW¼)
Section 34: Lot 13 (SE¼NW¼)
Crook County, Wyoming
4. Mineral Interest
Township 42 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M.
Section 3: S½
Weston County, Wyoming
Persons objecting to said application shall notify the District Court within thirty (30) days from the first publication of this notice. If the District Court does not receive written objection by such date, the Court will enter a Decree of Distribution.
DATED this 1st day of March, 2023.
By: /s/
Paul D. Graslie, WSB #7-5988
P.O. Drawer 5059
Sheridan, WY 82801
(307) 672-7444
Attorneys for Applicant
PUBLISHED: March 7, 14, 2023 03076
Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Procedural Rules, the Commission hereby gives notice of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power (RMP or the Company) for a non-situs Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) to construct its Boardman-to-Hemingway transmission line as more fully described below:
1. RMP is a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, engaged in the business of supplying electric utility service to customers throughout its six-state service territory, including Wyoming. RMP is a public utility, as defined by Wyoming Statute § 37-l-101(a)(vi)(C), subject to the Commission's jurisdiction pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 37-2-112.
2. On February 6, 2023, the Company filed an Application, together with supporting testimony and exhibits, requesting the Commission grant a non-situs CPCN to construct the Boardman-to-Hemingway transmission line (segment H of the Energy Gateway Project) (B2H). The Company included a Petition for Confidential Treatment and Protective Order with its Application.
3. The Company’s proposed Boardman-to-Hemingway is an approximately 300-mile-long, 500-kV transmission line that will extend from a proposed switching station near Boardman, Oregon to the existing Hemingway Substation located in Owyhee County, Idaho. Approximately 274 miles of the transmission line is located in five Oregon counties: Malheur, Baker, Union, Umatilla, and Morrow Counties. A 24-mile segment of the Project will be in Owyhee County in Idaho. The project also consists of a newly constructed switching station near Boardman, Oregon, ten communication stations within the right-of-way of the transmission line, and construction of the Midline Series Capacitor substation.
4. The Company has partnered with Idaho Power Company (IPC) and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to develop the Project. IPC is the overall project manager, responsible for permitting, design, procurement, and construction. IPC will fund and own 45.45 percent and the Company will fund and own 54.55 percent.
5. The Company states the proposed project is necessary for the following reasons: 1) it increases the ability to move resources across and between both of the Company’s balancing authority areas and will allow the Company to export 818 megawatts (MW) of additional generation capacity from Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho generators to Oregon, Washington, and California customers; 2) it enables the Company to avoid higher cost transmission and generation investments to serve the system, including Wyoming, that would be required absent B2H; and 3) it reduces the cost of third-party transmission service included in the net power costs allocated to Wyoming retail customers. The Company states that construction of B2H is expected to produce total-system cost savings of $1.7 billion. The Company states that IPC must begin construction in July 2023 to have the project come into service by 2026.
6. The Company expects its share of the estimated total cost of the project to be between $800 and $900 million, which is estimated to increase Wyoming customer rates by an estimated 1.95 percent once the Company proposes to include the costs of the project in a future general rate case. The Company intends to finance the project through its normal internal and external sources of capital.
7. This is not a complete description of RMP’s Application. You may review the Application at RMP’s Wyoming offices and at the Commission’s office in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during business hours or online at: (enter Record No. 17236).
8. Anyone desiring to file a statement, intervention petition, protest or request for a public hearing in this matter must do so, in writing, on or before March 15, 2023. Petitions shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. Please mention Docket No. 20000-631-EN-23 in all correspondence with the Commission.
9. If you wish to participate in this matter and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711.
PUBLISHED: Feb. 28, March 7, 2023 02282
Kemmerer Operations, LLC of Kemmerer, Wyoming, Permit No. 379-T10, has applied for Area & Phase I bond release from the Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality for the State of Wyoming. This permit was originally approved on June 30, 1975. The current permit is 379-T10 and was approved February 28, 2022. The coal mining permit area is located in all or portions of: Township 21 North, Range 116 West, Township 21 North, Range 117 West, Township 20 North, Range 117 West, Township 19 North, Range 117 West, and Township 20 North, Range 117 West, 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming. The Kemmerer Mine is located approximately six miles to the southwest of the town of Kemmerer. This area can be found on the Kemmerer III and IV, Elkol, and Warfield Creek USGS quadrangle maps. The Area & Phase I parcel to be released from bond is located in Sections 2 & 3 of Township 20 North, Range 117 West (±105 Acres). This request is for bond release under Category Five. The total amount represented by this bond release request is for $271,988.
Information regarding the mining operation, reclamation procedures and area proposed for release may be viewed in the Office of the Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality in Cheyenne and Lander, Wyoming, and the mine office of Kemmerer Operations, LLC in Kemmerer, Wyoming. Written objections to the proposed bond release request must be received by the Administrator of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th Street, Suite 10, Cheyenne, WY 82002, before the close of business on the 28 April, 2023. Objections may also be submitted by the same deadline via the Land Quality Division’s electronic comment portal at If written objections are filed, and a public hearing is requested, the Environmental Quality Council (Council) shall hold a public hearing within sixty (60) days after the final date for filing objections unless a different period is stipulated to by all parties. The Council shall publish notice of the time, date and location of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the proposed operation once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks immediately prior to the hearing. The hearing shall be conducted as a contested case in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act (W.S. §16-3-101 through §16-3-115), with a right of judicial review as provided in that act. Without prejudice to the objector or applicant’s right to a hearing before the Council, the Administrator may hold an informal conference to resolve written objections after notification to all parties. The Administrator shall make a record of the conference unless waived by all parties, which shall be accessible to all parties. The Administrator shall furnish all parties of the conference with a written finding of the Division based on the conference, and the reasons for the finding.
PUBLISHED: March 7, 14, 21, & 28, 2023 03038
1. Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Procedural Rules and Special Regulations, notice is hereby given of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power (RMP or the Company) for approval of a 3-year demand side management (DSM) plan and for authority to adjust rates in tariff Schedule 191.
2. RMP is a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, engaged in the business of supplying electric utility service to customers throughout its six-state service territory, including Wyoming. RMP is a public utility subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction. Wyo. Stat. §§ 37-1-101(a)(vi)(C) and 37-2-112.
3. On February 23, 2023, RMP filed an Application requesting the Commission approve its 3-year DSM plan and for authority to adjust rates in tariff Schedule 191. The Company stated in the Application that the 3-year DSM plan is to create transparency, rate stability and certainty, and to enable the Company to manage DSM targets and budgets. According to the Application, the Company will continually monitor the program targets and will add, remove, and/or modify offerings and incentives to administer cost-effective programs and manage within the approved targets. The 3-year DSM Plan and associated targets are for 2024-2026.
4. In its Application, RMP proposes to implement two new programs in the DSM portfolio for demand response. The Company proposes a program for batteries installation incentives for residential customers (Category 1) and small general service customers (Category 2), and a custom program for curtailing the load of participating large commercial and industrial customers.
5. The Company proposed revisions to Schedule 191, adjusting Category 1 and 2 rates to 2.57 percent and 2.22 percent, respectively, effective January 1, 2024. RMP also proposed to revise rates for Category 3 customers to 1.19 percent, 1.32 percent, and 1.46 percent. The revised rates for Category 3 customers will be effective January 1st of each year of the 3-year DSM plan.
6. This is not a complete description of RMP’s Application. You may review the Application at RMP’s Wyoming offices and at the Commission’s office in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during business hours or online at: (enter Record No. 17244).
7. Anyone desiring to file a statement, intervention petition, protest or request for a public hearing in this matter must do so in writing filed with the Commission on or before March 31, 2023. Any intervention request filed with the Commission shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. Please be sure to mention Docket No. 20000-632-ET-23 in all correspondence with the Commission.
8. If you wish to participate in this matter and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications-impaired persons may contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay at 711.
PUBLISHED: March 7, 2023 03073
Plaintiff, ) 2022-CV-157
F. REDGRAVE, deceased; MARK )
BANK; and all other persons unknown )
claiming or who might claim any right, title, )
estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance )
upon the real and personal property described )
in the complaint for foreclosure adverse to )
plaintiffs ownership or any cloud upon )
plaintiffs title thereto, whether such claim or )
possible claim be present or contingent, )
Defendants. )
Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Elizabeth F. Redgrave;
Elizabeth F. Redgrave, deceased;
and all other persons unknown claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real and personal property described in the complaint for foreclosure adverse to plaintiffs ownership or any cloud upon plaintiffs title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or contingent.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED, pursuant to W.R.C.P. Rule 4, and required to file with the Clerk of District Court of the 3rd Judicial District in and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at 925 Sage Avenue, 2nd Floor, P.O. Drawer 510, Kemmerer, WY 83101, and to serve upon the Plaintiffs attorney, an answer to Plaintiffs Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of the real property located at 247 Solitude Drive, Thayne, WY 83127, which real property is more fully described in the Complaint on file with the court, within twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. (If services upon you is made outside the State of Wyoming, you are required to file and serve your answer to the Complaint within thirty (30) days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the date of service.) If you fail to do so, judgment by default
will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said Complaint.
DATED this 6th day of February, 2023.
Kenneth D. Roberts
Clerk of the Court
By Jenny Clarke, Deputy
PUBLISHED: Feb. 21, 28, March 7, 14, 2023 022121
NOTICE is hereby given that on Friday, March 17, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., powerline pipes that were cargo recovered from a trailer crash on Highway 30 will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at 727 County Rd. 341, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101. The carrier transporting the cargo was K Carrier LLC, 601 Acacua Ave., Pharr, Texas 78577. The owner or potential lienholders of the property to be sold could not be ascertained with reasonable diligence. The property will be sold by Auto Inn Repair, Inc. pursuant to Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 29-7-105, for expenses incurred and incident to the preservation, custody, storage, and sale of the property, which is claimed in the amount of $44,755.00 as of February 24, 2023. Storage fees continue to accrue on a daily basis.
Publish March 7, 2023 and March 14, 2023.
Return Affidavit of Publication to:
Dustin J. Richards
Pence and MacMillan LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
PUBLISHED: March 7, 14, 2023 03072
TO: Alisa Jean Gimlin mother of T.L.S. born in 2010 in Jackson, Teton County, Wyoming and R.W.S. born in 2012 in Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming to Alisa Gimlin and Talon Sessions
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that suit has been filed against you by the State of Wyoming, Department of Family Services, in the District Court, Third Judicial District, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being Civil Action No. DR-2022-25. The object and prayer of the State of Wyoming’s Petition is for the termination of the legal parent-child relationship between yourself and the minor children, T.L.S. and R.W.S. You are required to appear at the hearing in this matter for TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. You are further notified that failure to make answer to the Court in this matter within thirty (30) days of the last date of this publication, will result in judgment by default being entered against you and your rights to said minor child being forever terminated.
Kenneth Roberts
Clerk of District Court
PO Drawer 510
Kemmerer, WY 83101
PUBLISH: March 7, 2023 03075
February 13, 2023
The Kemmerer City Council met in regular session this 13th day of February, 2023, at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Kemmerer, Wyoming. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present on roll call were Mayor William Thek, Councilmember Marlin Batista, Councilmember Robert Bowen, Councilmember Dale Hicks, Councilmember Mark Quinn Councilmember Bill Price, and Councilmember Jamie Thornock.
Motion was made by Councilmember Price to approve the agenda as presented; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by Council.
Jason Sleight, with Jones-Simkins presented the FY 21-22 Audit to the council.
Councilmember Quinn read a text message received by Annemarie Albins. Randy Burris, AJ Guinta, Randy Hansen, Mike Krall, Destinee Rogers, Penny Lint, Aubree Judge, Colton Sandall, Shauna Ridgeway, Jeff Kolata, Sandy Sellers, Patrick Key, and Jim Edinger made comments to the council.
Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to approve the items on the consent agenda as presented; seconded by Councilmember Thornock and unanimously approved by Council. Those items were:
(a) approval of the special meeting minutes of January 19, 2023, and meeting minutes of January 23, 2023 as presented
(b) approval of the payment of the bills, payroll and ACH payments as presented:
16226 UMWA $264.80 16227 Ace Hardware $53.96
16228 All West Communications 222.40 16229 Bonner, Kyle & Tammy 60.50
16230 Bugman, Inc. 135.00 16231 City of Kemmerer 1,683.41
16232 Crank Companies, Inc. 703.00 16233 Delta Dental 2,293.35
16234 Dex Imaging, LLC 85.47 16235 First Bank of Wyoming 5,358.41
16236 Freedom Mailing Srvs., Inc. 8,81.90 16237 GoTo Technologies, Inc. 417.34
16238 Harris Law Office, PC 1,250.00 16239 Heritage Auto 2,674.75
16240 Hitt, James & Veronica 60.50 16241 Holland Equipment Co. 3,573.38
16242 Intermountain Fire Protection 100.00 16243 Jensen, David 60.50
16244 Kemmerer Gazette 268.63 16245 Kemmerer Interact Club 200.00
16246 Marshall Industries, Inc. 35,453.73 16247 Merritt, Andrew & Colby 60.50
16248 Mtn. West Business Solutions 97.60 16249 Netwize 1,849.92
16250 Norco, Inc. 14.26 16251 Outlaw Supply, Inc. 1,044.75
16252 Peaks & Prairies GCSA 165.00 16253 Petty Cash-Administration 54.64
16254 Reladyne West, LLC 1,165.70 16255 Richard, Calchena 300.00
16256 Rocky Mountain Power 9,363.23 16257 Shums Coda Associates 505.00
16258 Stout, E. Dean 5,926.00 16259 Sublette Electric of Wyoming 995.83
16260 Teton Hydraulics 867.80 16261 Verizon Wireless 694.61
16262 Wex Bank 1,582.94 16263 Wheeler Machinery Co., Inc. 216.32
16264 Wyo. Educator’s Benefit Trust 42,165.72 16265 Xerox Financial Services 252.43
2/1/23 Payroll Direct Deposit-ACH 49,850.00 2/1/23 Federal Tax Deposit-ACH 15,510.49
2/1/23 Expert Pay/Child Support 336.11 2/1/23 Orchard Trust-ACH 625.00
2/1/23 ICMA-ACH 50.00 2/1/23 AFLAC-ACH 12.24
(c) Authorize 4 nights for retail liquor establishments to be open all night in 2023.
(a) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to pass on second reading Ordinance No. 2023 874, Amending Section 18-9, Use of Public Sewers Required; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by Council.
Councilmember Batista left the meeting: 7:50 p.m.
(a) Motion was made by Councilmember Thornock to authorize staff to schedule a work session with the City Council and the Zoning Board to review and discuss the Open Space Requirement of the Kemmerer City Code; seconded by Councilmember Quinn.
Councilmember Batista returned to the meeting; 7:53 p.m.
The mayor then called for the question. Those voting “Yea” were Councilmember Batista, Councilmember Bowen, Councilmember Quinn, Councilmember Price, and Councilmember Thornock. Those voting “Nay” were Councilmember Hicks. Motion carried.
(b) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to authorize the Mayor to sign the service missionary volunteer MOU with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; seconded by Councilmember Thornock and unanimously approved by Council.
David Ryerse and Caitlyn Howard addressed the council.
(c) Motion was made by Councilmember Hick to approve the 20% non-profit discount but not the 50% fee waiver for the SLTEC Fee Waiver Request by South Lincoln Medical Center; seconded by Councilmember Quinn. The mayor then called for the question. Those voting “Yea” were Councilmember Bowen, Councilmember Hicks, Councilmember Quinn, and Councilmember Thornock. Those voting “Nay” were Councilmember Batista and Councilmember Price. Motion carried.
Scott Myers and Jesse Kramer addressed the council.
(d) Motion was made by Councilmember Price to approve the 100% SLTEC Fee Waiver Request by South Lincoln EMS; seconded by Councilmember Batista and unanimously approved by Council.
(e) Motion was made Councilmember Hicks to Pass, Approve and Adopt Resolution No. 2023-818, City of Kemmerer Snow Policy. No second was made. Motion Died.
(f) Motion was made by Councilmember Hicks to Pass on 1st Reading, Ordinance No. 2023 854, Section 19-1, Sidewalks to be Cleared of Snow, Ice, Dirt, etc. No second was made. Motion Died.
City Administrator, Brian Muir, made comments. Councilmember Thornock, Councilmember Quinn, Councilmember Hicks, Councilmember Price, and Councilmember Bowen made comments. Mayor Thek made comments.
There being no further business before the Council, Councilmember Hicks made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Councilmember Quinn and unanimously approved by Council; 8:28 p.m.
PUBLISHED: March 7, 2023 03071